
Shared by
Poornima Venkatakrishnan
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Most Favorite Boss!!
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Poornima Venkatakrishnan
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The Kraken cake!!!
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Shared by
Alex Pan
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Bill was a generous mentor with the Miller Center who volunteered his time to support social enterprises all over the world. I had the chance to travel with Bill in Uganda as we visited some of the entrepreneurs. Bill was generous and kind with his support and advice, had an adventurous spirit, and was a great travel companion. He will be missed!
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Poornima Venkatakrishnan
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NGC team dinner
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Poornima Venkatakrishnan
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Halloween pumpkin carving competition with Bill and Marc
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Sumit S
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Photo 1 - random photo of Bill taken in Las Vegas.
Photo 2 - Bill and Sumit
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Sumit Savla
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Photos of Bill with PayPal NGC team during money 2020 conference in Las Vegas Trip, Christmas celebrations in office and PYPL stock listing in office
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Christina N
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Tel Aviv March 2017
New York Feb 2017
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Christina N
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PayPal Australia
December 2016
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christina N
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Australia Conf Tour
December 2016
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Christina N
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Conference Tour
Australia December 2016
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Christina N
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Consumer - Venmo Leadership Offsite
November 2016
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Christina N
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with Marc Kocher
with Joanna Lambert - Oct 2016
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Christina N
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Bitcoin Slackathon
December 2015
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Shared by
Christina N
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NGC Team Ugly Sweater Party
December 2015
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Christina N
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NGC Team Ugly Sweater Party
December 2015
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Christina N
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Oktober Fest 2015
NGC Team
October 2015
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Caleb Rinear
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Love you uncle Bill! Jesus gained another Angel! It’s amazing to have been apart of your life. I can’t wait to rejoice in heaven with you. You will be missed by so many. You are a blessing to us all. Thanks for all the great memories! We love you dearly.
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Christina N
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Bill speaking at the Money2020 Conf in Las Vegas
October 2015
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Christina N
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NGC Team @ Money2020 Conf in Las Vegas
Hoover Dam Tour - Amanda & Bill
Oct 2015
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Christina N
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NGC Team at Money 2020 @ Hoover Dam
Oct 2015
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Christina N
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NGC Team @ Money 2020 Conference in Las Vegas
Oct 2015
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Christina N
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July 2015
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Christina N
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PP Listing Day July 2015
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Amanda Schwartz
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My favorite pic of Bill and I -- which was taken in May, when Bill and Ruth visited us in Redlands on their "bus tour". To say I'll miss Bill dearly would be a massive understatement.
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